A continuación encontrarás toda la información sobre tu suscripción. El número máximo de usuarios a los que puedes invitar, el tipo de suscripción entre otras cosas.
Tu historial de facturas y pagos. Todas las facturas también están disponibles para descargar.
At the end of each month, we calculate the cost based on your active users that month. In any case, make sure you have enough balance on your account or credit card.
Here you will find an overview of all your active users per day. The projects they are in and an estimate of the costs you will have to pay at the end of the month.
Please take a moment to review what will happen when your account is deleted as this action is permanent and not reversible.
ALL Projects and Workspaces that you own will be permanently deleted. You will be removed and signed-out of Getscope and lose all access. Future billing will be stopped and only usage up to now will be charged.
All user data will be deleted. You have the possibility to export data out of your account before deleting.
This action is permanent, please confirm your understanding by using the code we are going to sent you by email.